More About the Author "richrowson"

Author Nick: richrowson
Name: Richard Rowson
About the Author: A writer, blogger and all round internet artist with a passion for writing! Oh and of course music!

Articles by richrowson :

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How to Be More Happy and Positive

So you’re reading this article researching and trying to find a way to be more happy and positive. Perhaps you’re trying to find a better outlook on the world or maybe your quest is far more internal and personal than what’s out there, rather your search is within yourself. You’re not alone, there are millions […]

Real Tips on How to Get a Boyfriend

If you are here searching for some information and tips on how to get a boyfriend then you have come to the right place. Like millions of other girls and women around the world you are not alone in your search for the perfect partner. But what exactly can you do to find Mr. Right? […]

Staying Confident In an Interview: Simple Steps To Land The Job Confidently

Staying confident in an interview is crucial if you are serious about landing the job. Too many times an applicant is equipped with the best skills and qualifications but then fails to make it in the interview simply because of a lack of confidence. For this, the more you will need to understand the basic […]

Over 40 Career Choices

Are you finding it difficult to land a job you like? Perhaps you are looking in the wrong direction or perhaps you are equipped with the wrong resources. Whatever your worries they can be faced and overcome sooner than you think, for example have you considered how much life experience and workplace experience you have […]

Dating Advice for Women Over 40

Are you forty and looking for some dating advice? Well, you have definitely come to the right page! This article will share with you a lot of tips and advice on how to find your ideal date despite negative media thinking you’re past your best – you’re not – this is just the beginning! Find […]