More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Complete Situational Awareness with Latest Electronic Ear Muffs

Work place noise remains a major health hazard and continued exposure to high noise levels can result in permanent hearing damage which is why there are strict regulations requiring mandatory wearing of hearing protection. While occupational hearing loss is a serious problem with painful consequences, most of the health hazards arising from noise are usually […]

Advanced Analytics for Business Optimization and Online Effectiveness

Technological innovations has over the years  led to a very techno savvy customer base. The internet today plays a major role in every aspect  of the customer depending on his lifestyle. The relationship which started with simply surfing,  to gaining knowledge on unknown topics, downloading information and software for easy working at home, today has […]

Meeting Business Needs with Comprehensive Data Center Solutions

In today’s connected global environment, data centers have gained tremendous importance. New regulations require organizations to store large quantities of data for longer periods of time. With the environmental concerns, the data centers are under tremendous pressure to decrease their carbon footprint. The increasing data center size and complexities have compelled data center managers and […]

Secure Your Cell Phone with Mobile Security Solutions

Mobile phones will leave behind personal computers as the most common web access device in the years to come. As the numbers multiply, security hazards too will increase. Design flaws, vulnerabilities, protocol failures in any mobile devices, mobile infra components and mobile applications will have a negative influence on the security. With mobile operating systems […]

How To Choose The Best Data Center Solution

The lessons that most organizations learned in 2011, is the fact that crucial business applications and data are the life-force for an enterprise and are required to be secured accordingly. Owing to this, environmental monitoring solutions are becoming a compulsory process for numerous forward thinking companies. This offers them with real-time data on temperature and […]