More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Benefits of Clinical Researches

Today clinical research attempts to address a relatively straightforward and essential challenge. That is, how medical practitioners can conclude whether a potential intervention process represents an advance over the existing methods. It also examines whether the new intervention would avert any harm presently incurred and whether it has the ability to save lives that were […]

Investing in Enterprise Storage Server Systems

The enterprise storage server can be defined as a centralized storage server system that businesses utilize for securing and managing data. It further enables data sharing through its connection to numerous computers and network platforms that comprise Windows 2000, UNIX and other mainframe platforms. Enterprise storage servers vary from consumer storage server in terms of […]

Anti-Counterfeiting Solutions Ensure Brand Protection

The Internet with its technological upgrades has provided the business world a wide scope for expansions. After globalization, the enterprises, in their attempt to meet the cut throat competition prevalent in the industry, have today forayed into the world of electronic commerce or e-commerce. This gives the organizations a myriad of opportunities to market their […]

Idea Management -Sourcing, Capturing and Implementing Innovations

Innovation is the key to success in every sphere of business. In today’s world of cut-throat competition, enterprises need to innovate regularly to stay ahead of their competitors. However, innovative ideas and creative thoughts may not be everyone’s cup of tea.   But to and gain a strong foothold in the market organization need to […]

Retain Your Online Audience with Engagement Met

What is it that social media runs on? Some year’s back people would have opined that it is all about unending conversations on a social forum. In fact, that is what social networking is all about. Idle conversations and disorganized networking, to the point that some people termed it as “mindless conversations”. However, not many […]