More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Deploy Efficient Storage Server Solutions

Simply put, storage servers are mainly used to offer centralized and reliable file storage solution for all your essential data. When effectively equipped and configured, storage servers have the capacity to offer hassle-free and secure data storage for the days to come. How essential is your data? There can be nothing more important than your data. […]

Ensure Holistic Business Performance with Systems Integration

Has your business expanded in the recent times at a gradual pace, with different departments being responsible for their individual IT growth? Simultaneously, are you also further considering procedures to improve efficiency and get interested in business to business ecommerce and online trade? If yes, then it is apt time for you to consider executing […]

Learning to Discern Phishing Mails

Following the definition that Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has on phishing, is that it is a criminal act where phishers make use of sophisticated social engineering modes to send pop up mails to random users. This mail seems to come from authentic sources such a financial institution or any eminent FMCG brand or even internet […]

Preventive Methods for Occupational Noise Induced Hearing Loss

Industrialization has brought in favorable and profitable progress in the form of technological evolution and globalization. However, the other effect of industrialization is that most workforces in these industrialized countries suffer from occupational Noise-induced hearing loss. Considered as the most hazardous and permanent occupational disease common in industrialized countries, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), […]

Engagement Metrics – A Tool for Successful User Engagement

A quick review of the social media landscape with the participation of eminent brand and enterprises will highlight the success and prominence of social networking today. However, this was not the situation if you go couple of years back where social networking was limited to idle chatting and link sharing activities. With the advent of […]