More About the Author "Robinson"

Author Nick: Robinson
Name: Robinson k
About the Author: Origins of Cerebral Palsy is the comprehensive source for information on causes and treatment of cerebral palsy.

Articles by Robinson :

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Hearing Impairment in Children with Cerebral Palsy

Some of the factors that pose a high risk for hearing impairments among children are the same risks that a child with cerebral palsy will develop such as congenital infection, oxygen impairment, jaundice, and low birth weight among many others. This is why hearing impairment is more common to children with cerebral palsy as compared […]

How to Treat Children with Brain Damage

At least half a million children are diagnosed with brain damage all over the country. This means that at least thirty percent of the population with brain damage is children and this figure will continue to rise as more and more people become uninformed of the situation and native to the things they can do […]

How to Care for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Children diagnosed with cerebral palsy are often in need of much attention as compared to other children without this disability. Their special needs usually include assistance in the day to day activities, interaction with other children and communication. These can be daunting tasks at times and frustrating for most but any devoted parents understand that […]

Cerebral Palsy Kids – Providing Special Education

There is no doubt that children with cerebral palsy will need some form of education at a certain point in their lives. Schooling is one of the complicated issues that are associated with regards to caring for children with CP. And while the law imposes that children with CP have the equal right to attend […]

How to Improve Feeding Issue in Kids with Cerebral Palsy

To explore the details about how parents can improve the feeding issues usually associated in kids with cerebral palsy, some important aspects related to this condition must be understood first. It is common for children with cerebral palsy to have problems when eating or drinking by themselves. These problems may range from having minor difficulties […]