More About the Author "stevewilheir"

Author Nick: stevewilheir
Name: Steve Wilheir
About the Author: Webmaster

Articles by stevewilheir :

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Kaizen Blitz Projects

This particular Kaizen event, which is currently the topic of discussion, is relevant to many projects and development goals. Significantly, certain more important objectives should be given proper thought and consideration during initial projects. Now, the big question is why and how are initial projects different? One of the major problems when starting the process […]

Excellent Basic Qualities of a Successful Kaizen Leader

When considering the successful implementation of Kaizen, one frequently hears about the importance of team participation and how the workers are the source of the strength of the program. But what of the leadership? What does a leader need to do in order for Kaizen to be effective in their organization other than throw a […]