More About the Author "tonypsc"

Author Nick: tonypsc
Name: tony p
About the Author: I am a professional therapist

Articles by tonypsc :

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Pathophysiology associated with Pulsatile Ringing in ears

What is Pulsatile Ringing in the ears? Pulsatile Tinnitus Ears ringing may be the rhythmical sound within the ears that beats over time using the heartbeat. Pulsatile ringing in ears could be the appear of our personal heart beat, the flow of blood or perhaps coronary heart surpasses, this will cause buzzing within our hearing. […]

Treating Depression With Drug

Paxil caused birth defect – this is an official announcement by the FDA. If you are pregnant and have been taking Paxil for treating your depression, then it is time you speak with your doctor and seek their advises on whether you should reduce your dosage or switch out of Paxil completely. You should do […]

You Too Can Make New Friends Easily Today

We all have felt anxiety from time to time when talking to new people. We worry about many things. We worry if there is something on our faces that they are looking at, or if we look nice, did we make a good first impression many other endless things. Such anxiety disorder is common. Fortunately, […]