Archive for the "Technology" Category


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The Amazing Technology Of Consumer Satellite TV

How does satellite TV work? There is a long version that is very scientific and a shorter version that is more interesting. We’ll stick with the shorter version. The very first satellite for TV was shot into orbit in’62. So, there has been a lot of advances made to the technology behind satellites since then. And, we have benefited from all of those advances.

Spy Phone Software

Recently several software companies have released ‘spyware’ for cell phones. Spyphone software records SMS text messages, cell phone GPS location, incoming and outgoing cell phone activity logs information and sends the data to a web (private account where users can login and read it, and also search content for keywords and data strings such as […]

Video Surveillance Systems And Their Impact On Home and Business Security

Video surveillance systems can be used in many instances and they provide an accurate record of activity going on under their watch. Video surveillance is a great idea for a business owner who is not at their business at all times of the day to watch what is going on in their business during the hours when they are open. Anything can happen while the owner of a business is in the store or when they are not there. If there is a store front business, video surveillance systems can be extremely helpful in the case that someone shoplifts from the store. Video surveillance will catch the shoplifter stealing from the store, and can be watched by security at the time of the act, which allows them to catch that person before they leave the store.

Economical Pay As You Go Cell Phones

We all are aware of the fact that people are becoming more and more technological. Nowadays each and every one has a unique mobile phone. A huge number of costly cell phones are obtainable in the marketplace. We all know that choosing a good and affordable mobile phone plan is a daunting task for all. You truly need to do a lot of research before buying a mobile phone plan. In this article, we are particularly going to talk about cheap pay as you go cell phones.

Reverse Phone Directory – Find Out Who Really Owns That Phone Number Right Now

Is your phone ringing again?  Are you tired of getting those phone calls at all hours of the day and night?  Getting harassing calls like this over and over again can take its toll on a person.  Luckily, there is something that you can do about it.  There is a way for you to find […]