Archive for the "Consulting" Category

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Life is to have a sense of balance between reason and faith. A person that acts of pure reason is not to find the performance of his achievements, while a person who has all the faith and strength of character that will not go away. When you think nothing will happen. Baby walking and talking […]

What the Singapore Entrepreneur Pass enables you to do

In Singapore, any foreign entrepreneur or investor is allowed to incorporate a company in the country from overseas. They can manage their Singapore business from the current country of residence and visit Singapore on a standard visa to handle any company matter which requires personal presence. However, just because an entrepreneur is allowed to incorporate […]

Singapore Company Registration Tips

Singapore is one of the Four Asian Tigers, a group of highly-developed economies in Asia which includes Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, and the Republic of Singapore. The country is also known for being the most business-friendly economy in the world. Needless to say, they’ve made Singapore company setup quick and very efficient as it […]

Uitgesteld loon in het erfrecht

De meeste mensen zijn wel enigszins bekend met het Nieuwe Erfrecht dat sinds 1 januari 2003 geldt. De belangrijkste wijziging is dat de langstlevende echtgenoot van rechtswege alle zaken van de overleden echtgenoot erft en dat de kinderen een vordering krijgen op deze langstlevende ouder. Vóór de wetswijziging diende dit in een testament te zijn […]

A Variety Of Methods By Means Of Which A SEC Whistleblower

A whistleblower who brings out any type of illegal activity or any illegal scam usually reviews it for the SEC by means of whistleblower lawyers to ensure that the wrong doers are introduced to justice. But some people despite the fact that they are aware that some folks are as much as illegal routines do […]