Archive for the "Graphics" Category

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Logo Style – 5 Ways to Make Customers Like Your Designs

The hardest process of any developer is making customers like your styles. Customer managing is an art in itself. It needs more of courtesy than dropping perseverance with them. Of course not all customers are the same, but there are a few who are difficult to please. These customers are as persistent as a rock, […]

What It Needs to Optimize a Mini Site

A mini site – often referred to as microsite – is created to enhance the product promotion and push the sales margin. Its unique URL is a witness to its distinct identity from the main business website. Generally, minisites are one page websites to promote a single product or service. However these may include different […]

NVIDIA giving a makeover to its CUDA parallel computing platform

Modern GPUs such as NVIDIA Ge-Force series are increasingly designed as massively parallel programmable processors. New architecture interfaces have alleviated the need for numerical application developers to deal with graphics programming and interfaces. For example CUDA programmers simply treat the GeForce 8800 GTX as a computing processor that consists of 128 processor cores, has a […]

Design and Manufacturing solutions through Digital Prototyping

Graphics cards used to handle simple raster elements and eventually utilized OpenGL to accelerate performance. This revolutionized the industry with the ability to handle actual triangles effectively. This was the time when people came to know that what is graphics card. This was a dream come true for Auto-CAD, and its verticals like Civil 3D, […]

A Good Ebook Design Beefs up the Salability of Book

You read a book simply because it contains something to interest you. But there is many a one who just flips through the pages of a book. They are not the booklovers and bowled over by its great get-up. So look is important whether you buy jewelries or books. Ebooks are what we read online. […]