Archive for the "Parenting" Category

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DNA Test Baby

The DNA test analyses two samples to assess its source of origin. This comparison of two samples can between Father and Mother, siblings, ancestors and even the new born Baby. It helps to clearly identify the biological parents or establish any other link and relationship The DNA Test on the new born could be done […]

DNA Testing Immigration

DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid; it carries the information of the genes in the body cells. The DNA is located in the cell Nucleus. The Human body consists of nearly 3 billion bases of which approximately 99% are similar in all human beings, what distinguishes each human being from the other is the arrangement of […]

Court DNA Testing

DNA Test helps to determine an individual’s biological characteristics. It is the genetic design in the body that is derived from both the mother and the father equally. Court DNA Testing is now a common phenomenon for solving complex cases both civil and criminal in nature. With the introduction of DNA test Criminal investigation has […]

Talking About Prenuptial Agreements

Premarital or prenuptial agreements – known as prenups – are tricky no matter how carefully you approach them. The reason behind this is that people are uncomfortable discussing the issues that are most commonly addressed in prenups – namely, divorce, and the consequences of seeking one. The hesitance to explore a prenuptial agreement also stems […]

Scientific facts about Low Self-esteem you need to know

Low self-esteem has been studied for years and the results are quite interesting both for those therapists and patients. If you have gone into this trouble for the past (or still do), or if you are a cognitive therapist who deals with patients suffering from Low Self-esteem, please read this compilation of scientific facts about […]