Archive for the "Finance" Category


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A Fast Cash Payday Advance Can Help You Between Paychecks

Emergencies are never expected but they always happen. The problem with financial emergencies is that most people are not prepared for them. This is even worse in today’s society where many are on a fixed budget. For those emergencies, a fast cash payday advance is a great way to get through those unexpected financial emergencies.

Got Poor Credit? Numerous Great Tips To Help You

It is really likely that you do not have great credit. If not, there is great news. Credit repair is something you can do for yourself. At times it is exceedingly unproblematic, at others times, it can be exceedingly testing.

Leverage – Is This A Strategy For You?

Leverage is simply investment jargon for borrowing. Its called “leverage” because you use the value of an existing investment to underwrite, or as security for, the borrowing.

Private Placement Memorandum: A Must Read If You Want To Find Investors

This article is nine years in the making. The concept is so simple but 99% of the clients I consult with have made identical errors in their effort to raise capital. They will have a business plan and they will have a Private Placement Memorandum and after one read of these two documents I have to deliver the bad news, “Sorry, but your business plan and PPM are completely worthless”.

What You Should Know About A Credit Score

When you are considering applying for credit, buying a house, or even buying a car, the number listed on your credit score can become quite important to you. What is listed in your credit report is reflected in how high or low your score is. You generally have three scores, and they may be a bit different from each other, though usually not by a huge amount.