Archive for the "Personal" Category

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Debt Management Tips to Improve Your Finances in 2011

Summary: Wouldn’t you like to stop yourself from screwing up your finances? Discover the debt management mantra to improve your finances. Debt Management Tricks What’s your resolution for 2011? Resolutions like quitting smoking or getting married are passe. So how about making a resolution not to screw up your finances further? Debt management experts will […]

Are You in a Debt Crisis?

Do you find yourself mechanically paying bills with practically no income left? Do you dread picking up the mail each day? Are you paranoid about being hounded by creditors? These are clear indicators of a debt crisis, but do not give in yet. Debt problems are common; the extent to which your financial health is […]

How It Works: Law of Attraction and Money

If you have been thinking about a way to think and grow rich over time, the law of attraction and money is the solution. So many people hear about this law and think that it means there is some magical cure to your financial ailments. While that makes some people jump right on board thinking […]

Manifest a New Job Through the Law of Attraction

Most people have found themselves in a situation where they dislike having to get up for work. They hate their job, but continue to go every day because the money is good. What if you used the Law of Attraction to manifest a new job? This can happen if you use positive thinking. However, it […]

Attract Money Through the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction means asking for money. The universe won’t know what you are wanting unless you ask. However, it means asking for requests that are reasonable, because if you don’t think it will take place, how can it? What you believe will drive this request. This also means if you are a positive […]