Archive for the "Exercise" Category

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Exercise To Fight The Signs Of Ageing

As you grow older your body starts to slow down and sag, at this time your best friend is not an amazing plastic surgeon but exercise. Choose a great workout routine for women that has a mix of stretching, cardio and strength training, and supplement this with healthy weight loss foods, to make sure you […]

Exercise Dance Classes

Everybody at some point or the other wants to get back in shape. Some take up crash diets; others hit the gym. In all these avenues, the element of fun is missing. The most enjoyable way to do it is to dance your way to a fit body. Even a short time dance routine can […]

Exercise and the Male Mind

It builds muscle, fights fat, and makes you heart healthy leaving you feeling happy at the end. If it were a new miracle drug we would all jump on that bandwagon!! Exercise has all these benefits and more, but as we age very few of us still make time for a workout. There are lots […]

Eat healthy and avoid Candida Overgrowth

Statistics show that 75% of women and 25% of men live with the chronic Candida which occurs due to the irregular and bad eating habits of the people. Moreover, the content of the food also facilitates this fungus. It can also be hereditary or due to stress. But, you must take special care of the […]

How To Stay Young And Fit At All Ages – Tips And Techniques

Despite the challenges that life poses on a daily basis, exhausting us and relentlessly showing the marks of age, we can do a tremendous lot to keep our youthful looks. There are a bundle of techniques which are absolutely free and easy to start employing immediately. Rely on your sense of humor and smile and […]