Archive for the "Women" Category

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Causes And Treament Ways For Vaginal bv infections

As defined in the Medical dictionary, Bacterial Vaginosis is an inflammation of the tissues within the vagina that causes some unpleasant symptoms like abnormal vaginal discharges, fishy foul odor, vaginal itching and burning sensation within the vagina. These symptoms are usually very disturbing and very embarrassing. vaginal bv infections is the result of the overgrowth […]

Natural Home Cures To Effectively Treat Bacterial Vaginosis

Usually when someone who is affected with bv and consults to a gynecologist, she will be prescribe with antibiotics most probably. This sort of treatment is very effective to treat the infection but the problem is “Does it prevents the infection to strike again?” Simply the answer isn’t, because usually after treating this ailment with […]

What Brings About Yeast Infections And Ways to Treat It

What causes a yeast infection and how do you know for sure if you have it? I used to suffer from Thrush but I haven’t had it for a while and I’ve got a actually strong smell down there and I never used to get that kind of vagina odor! How do i cure it? […]

Using Garlic Miconozole And Grape Fruit Seed Extract As Yeast Infection Cures

This is just a quick question from a yeast infection sufferer. How do i get rid of a yeast infection without seeing a physician? I mean permanently get rid of it so it never comes back. I only have bad odor and it itches like once a month. Besides if you have yeast infection and […]

Best ways to Cure Yeast Infection Without Going To The Doctors?

I am 16, and am pretty sure I have a yeast infection. I do not live with my mom, and I do not want to tell my dad to go buy anything and I cannot drive. I think it’d be weird to tell anyone to go buy anything for it. So what could I do […]