Archive for the "Disease and Illness" Category

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Life Line Screenings, an Effort to Care for your Health

People may have different views when it comes to life line screenings. Some greatly appreciate its importance while some do not see the need for it. But if you are very concerned about your health, then you will see it as a small step to care for yourself and a way to improve your life. […]

Stroke Screenings: Before Stroke Strikes

Each year n the US, there are about 795,000 people who experiences stroke. Most of these cases are first attacks while other instances are repeated attacks. Similarly, each year more than 140,000 people die because of this sudden disruption in the blood supply of the brain. Worse, in every 40 seconds, someone in the US […]

What is necrospermia and the causes of necrospermia

Necrospermia brings much suffering to patients and it leads to male infertility. To know the treatment, we would better to learn the causes of necrospermia at first. What is necrospermia Sperms are produced in the convoluted seminiferous tubule of testicle. Under the microscope, a sperm looks like little tadpole with a round head and a […]

What You Eat Plus Living Condition Can Affect The Cause of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones have been documented by many ancient civilizations, and it has been found that even the ancient Egyptians suffered from them. This might due to their diet and weather condition. Humid hot climate may lead to more susceptibility of developing this disease due to lack of adequate hydration. Like so many of our bodily […]

Symptoms and Treatment of Cystitis on Early Stage

Symptoms of cystitis on early stage: What are the early symptoms of cystitis? cystitis is a common disease, to get the knowledge of symptoms of cystitis can do good to the prevention. It is beneficial if we learn the early symptoms of cystitis, then we are able to grasp the condition of the disease and go to […]