Archive for the "Disease and Illness" Category

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Ballooning of the Aorta Wall, Screening and Treatment

Highly characterized by the ballooning of the aorta wall, abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) had been inflicting 8% of individuals aged 65 specially the male population. When the normal diameter of the abdominal aorta reaches more than 50% of its actual size, it deteriorates the main vessel that carries blood from the heart to the rest […]

Basic Info About Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

A lot of people may not be familiar with abdominal aortic aneurysm since this condition also known as AAA or Triple A occurs frequently only among people between 65 and 75 years old who also have most of its risk factors. This type of aneurysm is characterized by the dilatation or ballooning of the abdominal […]

ECG Device: Easy Detection of Heart Problems

Cardiovascular diseases still hold the record for being the biggest cause of deaths worldwide. These conditions are brought about by the problems in the heart blood vessel and its electrical activity. Typically, they become noticeable in many ways including abnormal heart rhythms. An electrocardiogram monitor or ECG device interprets the heart’s activity and provide health […]

Uterine FIbroids – A General Summary in Their Treatment Protocols

The presence of Uterine Fibroids is very usual in girls. One can find traditional Uterine Fibroids Treatment alternatives that include medical Fibroids Treatment plus surgery based Fibroids Treatment offered inside the health arena to fight with Fibroids in Uterus. But a number of ladies are frightened of surgical Fibroids Treatment techniques and never even search […]

Treat genital warts infection with proper care to improve your sex life

Genital warts is currently a very common sexually transmitted infection that can’t be cured but can be managed with the help of a genital warts treatment. This medical condition, in case of an infected man or a woman is characterised by the appearance of soft, wart-like growths both in and around the genitals. The human […]