Archive for the "Disease and Illness" Category

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Keep Watch, Anyone Can Acquire Atrial Fibrillation

If former U.S. Pres. George Bush had acquired Atrial Fibrillation (AFIB) in the early 90s despite being a health buff, it means anybody can be hit by the said disease. It’s more common among the elderly folks, though, according to medical experts. Still, the younger ones should not think they are an exemption because any […]

Don’t Blame Your Irregular Heartbeat on Coffee

How often do you experience irregular heartbeat? If it happens daily at an increased rate don’t think that you just had excessive caffeine intake as you could be suffering serious Atrial Fibrillation (AFIB), a type of arrhythmia that is predominant in older people. According to medical experts, most people with AFIB didn’t show any symptoms. […]

What Are The Dangers of Plaque Build-Up?

Internal health problems are harder to cure than physical deformities because the latter can be addressed immediately during its early stage through surgical procedures unlike the former. Plaque build-up, for instance, cannot be easily detected because it does not show any symptoms. Perhaps only the health conscious are capable of finding out if they have […]

Treatment of Respiratory Distress Disorder

For newborns diagnosed with respiratory distress disorder, artificial surfactant therapy is an important and viable treatment option. Respiratory distress disorder is mainly caused by insufficient levels of surfactant in the lungs. Surfactant is an oily substance made of phospholipids and proteins; it lines the insides of the lungs and facilitates proper breathing by preventing the […]

Pulmonary Surfactants Deficiency in Newborns

Newborns with a deficiency of pulmonary surfactants may experience a condition known as respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Also known as hyaline membrane disease, neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, or infant respiratory distress syndrome, this condition is fairly common in premature newborns whose lungs have not fully developed. In fully developed, normally functioning lungs, pulmonary surfactants are […]