Archive for the "Disease and Illness" Category

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Should You Go For Dental Cosmetic Surgery For Beautiful Smile

Although almost everyone would love to have the surgery perfectly straight teeth pearly white is not recommended in all cases and, in fact, could be detrimental to the health of your teeth in the long term. Yes cosmetic surgery performed by a dentist can lead to pain relief, the permanent teeth and bright smile, but […]

Freedom from Incontinence using Adult Diapers

The incontinence is such a wide spread problem today that most of the people fell victim to it in elderly ages. There are many factors that result to this condition. Some of them are weak pelvis, multiple sclerosis and prostate conditions. The incontinence in elderly is really a strange condition and many of the times […]

How Improvements in Neonatology Helps the Reduction in Number Of Babies Having Cerebral Palsy

Thanks to improvements in neonatal and obstetrical care, there have been considerable decline in the rates of injuries and death in babies and mothers. The risk of neurologic disabilities in babies and children has been greatly reduced through interventions such as: Administration of “folate” to pregnant women Avoidance of exposure to certain kinds of toxic […]

How to Prevent Vascular Disease

One of the leading causes of vascular disease is atherosclerosis or the condition wherein your arteries harden. This happens when the lining of your artery becomes thick because of too much plaque, also known as fatty deposits. People are asking if this is dangerous. It is safe to say that yes, this condition can cost […]

A Guide On How to Get Rid of Mosquito Bites

Mosquitoes are really annoying insects and could be dangerous too. Listed here is a quick guide regarding How to Get Rid of Mosquito Bites. A few species of mosquitoes act as carriers of various harmful viruses and bacteria. The mosquito can contain these without getting infected. If a mosquito bites an infected individual or animal […]