Archive for the "Disease and Illness" Category

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Getting Cerebral Palsy Due To Infections in Mother During Pregnancy

It can be quite frightening for a mother to come down with the flu and know that her baby may be at risk of developing a possibly devastating health challenge. Thankfully, if you come down with some sort of infection, it can possibly be treated. Some maternal infections can be prevented. The 3 Infections that […]

Typical Information’s Concerning the Prostatitis Symptoms Which You Should know.

People forget to deal with their health due to different worries they may be facing in their life. Difficulties such as personal, official or perhaps financial issues make sure they are to do so. Mostly the particular doctors agree that many people put their wellness into troubles when working with such difficulties. Generally a person […]

How To Manage Diabetes And Balance Blood Sugar Levels

Diabetes is a common ailment these days. But, it is also a life threatening ailment, if left untreated. Moreover, the imbalance of blood sugar is caused by diabetes. In addition, sugar is the energy source of brain, and any imbalance in sugar may affect the functioning of the brain. However, there are two hormones produced […]

Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Infants

Neonatal respiratory distress occurs in premature infants who have not yet produced adequate amounts of surfactant. The condition causes difficultly breathing in newborns. Surfactant is a substance that coats the lungs and alveoli, and facilitates the exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide. Without enough surfactant, the lungs collapse and the infant has to work very […]

Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Infant respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)- sometimes called hyaline membrane disease- commonly occurs in premature infants. RDS causes difficulty breathing and can potentially cause pulmonary failure. The severity of infant respiratory distress syndrome depends on how early the infant was born; its size; whether an infection is present; and if the infant has any sort of […]