Archive for the "Nutrition" Category

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Herbal Remedy for Physical Tiredness, Mental Fatigue, Lack of Energy

Any stressful condition can cause temporary fatigue but frequent occurrences of this condition or after minor physical effort need attention and treatment and herbal remedy for physical and mental fatigue, tiredness or lack of energy are safe and effective ways to treat it. Physical fatigue is different than mental fatigue, physical fatigue is also called […]

Stretch Marks In Teenagers

Pregnant women and weightlifters are not the only ones who might get stretch marks. Skin is forced to stretch during sudden increase in the height during teenage. As a result, stretch marks appear on the thighs and calves. In case an adolescent is fat, that could be the result of weight gain as well. It […]

What Are BCAA Supplements

BCAAs, or branched chain amino acids, are a kind of amino acid which is included among the nine essential amino acids for humans. BCAAs have three proteinogenic amino acids which are called leucine, valine and isoleucine. BCAAs have been used to help in the recovery of burn victims and in treating some cases of hepatic […]

How No-Fenol Can Be Consumed Every Day as A Health Supplement

No-fenol has been successful in curing the adverse side-effects of phenolic compounds that arise due to the consumption of diet containing fruits and vegetables that are built of these compounds. While the enzymes significantly contribute towards the development of human body, it also facilitates healthy digestive and metabolic process. This product have been appreciated by […]

Benefits of Adding Peptizyde to the Regular Diet

An addition of Peptizyde in the regular diet helps in digestion of food components in a proportionate manner. As hardly any person takes a balanced diet or follows a strict fitness regime today, they face repercussions of such a diet on the digestive system. A majority of people are today suffering or have become prone […]