Archive for the "Surgery" Category

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Pros And Cons Of Breast Implant Surgery

To judge that a person’s vanity is the only reason why people take the trouble of having breast enlargement have an operation for breast modification is erroneous.

Offsetting The Risk Of Deadly Diseases With Liposuction

Being fat brews too many troubles for most of us. If we are overweight, we may also be vulnerable to deadly diseases. Often, the weight issue becomes a burden too hard to bear, and we cannot believe that anything beautiful can develop from our rolls of fat.

The Negative Side Of Getting A Tattoo Done

Tattoo Removal: Reasons For Erasing Ink On Skin

Back Pain Clinic Gurgaon, Delhi & Dwarka

Some Important Facts about back pain • Low back pain is the most common musculoskeletal complaint, with potentially devastating consequences. • 90% of patients with acute low back pain do not require surgery. Most specialists agree that non-surgical treatment should be tried first. • Surgery as first line treatment is indicated only in few selected […]

Scar Removal

Scar removel surgery surpass from number of process which are performed partially eradicate scar tissue by surgery or injury or to make the scars less visible. The specific methods which is carried out mainly depends on the type of scar its affected area and size and the quality of the patients skin. Scar review surgery […]