Archive for the "Other Internet" Category

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Features To Look For When Choosing A Web Host

When choosing a web host, not just any host will do. There are specific features that you need to look for, as well as additional features that will be required depending on what your plans for your website are. It is important that you make sure that your web host is able to accommodate your […]

Personal Injury?

Have you had an accident in the last five years? How many times have you been asked that question? Most people walk past like they simply didn’t hear anyone speaking. I always thought it was a large scale scam until I was recently involved in a car collision. A few months ago I had a […]

How to Effectively Use Mind Maps

Originally started as a tool to put classroom notes in an organized visual manner, the concept of mind mapping has undergone a sea of change. As the technology has undergone change, there are many mind mapping tools now available online to aid in this process. Drawing a mind map is a very easy task. You […]

Why Wireframing is a Critical Step

It is a very common and fundamental mistake made by many web developers to skip the first step of wire framing when the project is small. The self deceptive excuse for such a walk over can be (1) that the project is small and can be done directly without wasting time on wireframing, (2) that […]

Yahoo Domain Names

Businesses are fooling themselves if they think they can continue to conduct business without a website.  This is because in today’s age, having a website makes many think a company is ‘official.’  But a website by itself doesn’t mean anything without a decent domain name.  Granted, a company can try to cut costs by using […]