Archive for the "Language" Category

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Do the Cakewalk to your favourite University with INTO

Have you always been thinking of cracking that one particular university of your dreams, even though you know it might be a very difficult task to get in? Do you refuse to settle for anything mediocre, for anything other than the top universities and summer schools of UK and US? Then, I’m sure you must […]

Why Use Expert Language Translation Services For Your Business?

Any company that is hoping to increase their business with other countries and do this successfully must ensure that they opt for the use of an expert translation service. As we strive for ways in which to communicate with one another-both on professional and domestic levels, the need for language translation services has grown considerably […]

Histoire de l’apprentissage de l’anglais des affaires

Ce que les météorologistes et les professeurs considèrent différencie l’Anglais des affaires de l’Anglais général et à des répercussions évidentes sur la façon dont l’Anglais des affaires est enseigné, ainsi que sur les approches dominantes dans l’apprentissage de la langue anglaise. Nous pouvons nous rendre compte de cela en étudiant le développement de l’apprentissage de […]

Learn To Speak German – Is It Der, Die or Das?

Is it “der Tisch” or “das Tisch”? Most beginner German language students know that noun articles “der, die and das” are very frustrating to learn! Below are some of the most common reasons why we have difficulty learning them, we will also give you a tip to helping you overcome them. Step 1 – What […]

Phrasal verbs in English

Phrasal verbs are primarily of use in verbal English and informal written content. There are no set rules as to how phrasal verbs are formed appropriately. The English language has become more and more dominant and very popular all over the world, over the years. It is far and wide spoken by people in many […]