Archive for the "Psychology" Category

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Get More Tips on Twitter Marketing

Thanks to the net, you are now able to access the world market to promote various goods and advertising. Many now maintain their own internet sites to market their business. There are also a great deal of online tools that you are able to use to improve traffic and one is through Twitter.

Working with Kids: Psychology Careers

Many people who choose to pursue psychology as a career already have a pretty good idea of the population they want to work with when they finish school. For some, being able to make a difference in children’s lives would be a dream come true. Here are four careers in psychology that directly deal with […]

Basic hypnosis Techniques

Hypnosis has been widely used on TV for entertainment, and although capable of creating some good laughs, its main application is towards helping people with psychological conditions such as traumas, addictions and fears. For many it is still considered a fantasy but for others it has changed their lives. Weather you believe in hypnotism or […]

Amazing Benefits of Neuro Linguistic Programming

Neuro linguistic programming, also known as NLP, can be administered to many different matters and predicaments. While you can spend years learning about this approach, you can reap many benefits by learning how to use a few easy applications. NLP progresses by changing up the way you talk to yourself or others, and how you […]

Five Awesome People To Have Been In A Past Life

Everybody’s talking about who they were in a past life these days, and it’s always royalty, but let’s be honest, how many of us could possibly have been Cleopatra or Julius Cesar? Don’t you think that at least a few of us were poor janitors in Louisiana in the 1930s? We can’t all have been royalty, but here are five historical figures we wish we were the reincarnation of…