Archive for the "Metaphysical" Category

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How Hypnosis Can Improve Your Subconscious Mind Power

The subconscious mind is the part of the mind which does not use logic, does not reason and does not argue. It does exactly what it is commanded to do regardless if it is negative or positive. It can be commanded to bring you riches just as easily as bring you debt and will not hesitate on either. This is because it doesn’t care what you command it to do, for its only job is to do exactly what you tell it to do.

Psychic Training – Is It Right For You?

It’s quite amazing that in our modern world a psychic such as John Edwards can become famous and even make a living off books, television shows, and live entertainment. While psychic powers could once get you laughed at or even killed, they seem to be no big deal to most people today. In fact, psychics such as Sylvia Brown often have a large following of fans who seek to learn from them. While there will always be those who don’t believe in these powers or who are made uncomfortable by the simple idea of a psychic, most people have a general acceptance that there are psychics amongst us.

Learn Chakra Healing Techniques

In the human body there are a total of seven main chakras with each one located at a dissimilar points in the body. The fitness of that particular chakra point reflects how the health of the chakra will be for that point. In addition traits of one’s personality are linked with each chakra. Chakras are the place where aura can be entered into.

Psychic Ability Secrets: 3 Simple Techniques To Boost Your Powers!

There are many ways to develop one’s psychic ability. However, people often believe that unlocking the true power of one’s psychic side calls for a lot of serious work. But mind you, do you know that there are fun activities that could help build-up psychic powers?

3 Psychic Medium Signs That Spirits are Around

We are all aware that a psychic medium is a very gifted individual. In addition to having common psychic powers, they are individuals who have the unique ability to communicate with spiritual beings. Then again, it’s not only these psychic mediums that can feel spiritual presence; fact is, everyone is able to do so.