Archive for the "Motivation" Category

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Management Training – Can You Afford Not To?

How much budget do you have for management training this year? “Not enough!” or “None!” I hear you cry! Management training is often seen as a “nice to have” you can’t afford right now. Whilst the recession may be easing, organisations still have to consider every penny they spend, and whether it will bring a return on investment; and let’s face it, management training is often one of those “intangibles” it’s difficult to measure.

Motivational Speaking Salt Lake City Success Tips

Today, there are now literally millions of people that attend speaking engagements of some sort to gain some type of insight and wisdom that often reaches well beyond their capacities. In such, there are now an amazing number of opportunities for those that feel this is a common calling for them and are able to provide what people are looking for. Thus, if this is you, there should be an understanding of quite a few common tips for motivational speaking Salt Lake City to make this process a success.

Inspirational Videos Can Transform Your Life

We all go through low times when we feel depressed,frustrated and unmotivated. Most of the times we don’t realize that such a negative feeling can affect our career, our relationships with our spouse, children, and friends, and this depressions hampers our personal growth.  Understandably, life has its lows. But the key to turning those lows […]

Motivational Quotes

Here is a entry from one of my Journal Logs. Each night my therapist told me write down my thoughts for the day and keep it to myself. I felt that after I went through this drastic change in life, my thoughts, my life, and my expirences should be shared with the World so al […]

Guide Review for Pretties

Pretties, Scott Westerfeld’s 2nd e-book in the Uglies trilogy, is a continuation of the stunning surprises, and intricate plotline of his initial e-book. As the heroine, Tally Youngblood, is forced to undergo cosmetic surgery and grow to be one particular of the flawless “Pretties”, the reader learns far more about the perfect way of life and technologies inside the sheltered, quite city walls. The audience is taken by way of a wild journey, only this time, the heroine has turn out to be just like her enemies, rather.