Archive for the "Motivation" Category

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Importance In Dealing With A Break Up

Break up is very painful most especially if it just happened recently. Some say that it is more painful to experience break up than having a death member of a family. Yes, you read me right. When you experience death among family members, you know that the person who died has no chance of coming […]

Great Tips When Donating a Car To Charity

Ever consider donating your old or unused car to a charity? Donating a car to charity can really mean a lot to help less fortunate people especially in this tough times of economic recession. It is fairly easy to donate a car. Most charity would just pick your car as soon as you give them […]

Significant Tips to Consider Before Donating Your Car

Are you planning to make a car donation? It is not a doubt that donating to charity organizations gives us a rewarding feeling. Especially, these days that car donation is not a new approach to people that it has become a practice to many. Did you know that you could get tax deduction if you […]

Self Satisfaction Through Giving

Nowadays aren’t easy. The poverty level is continuously growing. Thankfully you may still find fortunate individuals who share what they possess to assist those people who are less fortunate. The Forbes Magazine has published the most notable ten lists of generous public faces. Some of which are the following : Bono who’s the vocalists of […]

The Law Of Motivational Attraction

How do you attract the most remote clients to your company? How do you make your customers trust your brand right when they have heard of you for the first time? What is the golden key that your competitors are using to find out the preferences of the masses and present it to them through […]