Archive for the "Spirituality" Category

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How Compatible are You with a Libra

People born between September 23rd and October 23rd have the zodiac sign of Libra. Libra has the denotation of balance weights. This representation indicates that they steadily look for balance in themselves and in their life. Libra’s are very warm, likable, humble and artistic. Libra can beoverly concerned about meaningless situations and others may mark […]

Becoming One With Everything

Releasing the idea of trying to be something else, something more, and allowing yourself to become one with all that exists is a true possibility for you. It does have to do with believing enough in yourself, that who you are in this moment is enough without reaching any further.  It is believing you are […]

Open Up To Your True Self And Destiny

Each of us is meant for something in our lives.  We have a purpose, a destiny, and a calling. We each have a plan laid out for us, a true purpose that is part of us.  Many may never find this or feel it, never knowing their destiny or calling.  It is there, everywhere around […]

Reaching Enlightenment

Enlightenment is a journey; it is a way of seeking to understand all that is important and the truth of our own being. It is a goal and at the same time a way of existing in the world. It is without trying and without finding, for it is a presence that is already within. […]

Purpose To Life

Throughout our lives we may come to points where we ask why are we here, what are we meant for? We may look this question in the eye, wonder for a bit, and then move on.  For to ask, you need to know, how does one go about succeeding at this?  Where do you gain […]