Archive for the "Religion" Category

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Give back to me, my rosary

First of all this story is about my personal experience. Believe it or not it really happened. Its kind an epic to think of, but when I start to shut my eyes I knew it, it happened. This occurs when sometime in our campus, It made my mind to just leave my things there in […]

The untold secret of non-verbal communication

What if you could read everyone’s thoughts? Would you really want to? I believe that you CAN read everybody’s thoughts but have repressed the ability for two reasons: Firstly, you felt overwhelmed at the onslaught of all the neurotic thinking happening around you, secondly you did not want to open because it would mean others […]

An extraordinary woman

I think it’s been long time since I wrote articles and blogs for Mary, maybe 2 weeks or more ago? I don’t remember it anymore, it’s just that I get inspired to write an article again after this occurrence this Sunday morning. Me and my family went to church regularly, we always go to church […]

Discovering Spiritual Maturity

Have you ever wondered if you are spiritually mature? Does the bible speak of spiritual maturity and how to tell if you or someone else are as grown up as they think they are? Yesterday I spoke on this very subject and it caused me to think back to different times where I thought I […]

Religious software and what you can do with it

Religion has played a prominent role in people’s life right from the beginning of civilization and has helped to shape the future of mankind. Religion has given rise to major conflicts around the world and at the same time bought peace to a large number of people. Although Religion no longer plays a vital role […]