Archive for the "Religion" Category

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How Knowing How To Astral Travel Will Enhance Your Life

Have you ever had a dream you were flying high above the trees? Have you ever been in such an intense daydream that you thought you were rising out of your body, then up through the ceiling of your house, only to be suddenly jolted awake? You’ve reached a state called astral travel, where you can travel outside of your body to anywhere you want to go. It is your mind having fun while your body sleeps!

Understanding the Human Chakra System

Chakrology is a term introduced by practitioners of alternative medicine and New Age philosophers to describe the study of the chakra system, the human bodys energy processing centers identified almost four thousand years ago by the Ancient Hindus.

Sacred Buddhist Funeral Rites And Their Significances

Buddhism is practiced all over the world, the core of which is derived from the basic teachings of Lord Buddha. This religion requires love & mercy for mankind, as well as fruition of the Ultimate Truth.

Guidelines On The Value Of Giving

A new development is revolutionizing many lives in the hamlets of India by bringing brightness where there used to be blackness.

Can You Really Become Telepathic?

When we say an individual is ‘telepathic’ what is it that we really mean by this? The idea is usually considered science fiction or mysticism and is just dismissed by most people. But think of what science has made possible. Everyday we live with cell phones, computers and use of invisible radio and micro waves which retrieve the information we need. Hundreds of jets (controlled by computers) take off and land everyday world wide.