Security Professionals Identify Malware-ridden File Possibly Sent to an Employee of a Target Firm

Government, defense and business establishments are constantly under the radar of cyber-attackers. In the recent months, attackers have frequently targeted defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and several national laboratories of the Department of Energy (DOE). Earlier last month, Google disrupted a Gmail account hijacking campaign targeted at senior government and military officials, […]

Translation Companies Embrace Technological Advances

With the emergence and growth of instant translation on the web, language service providers are constantly asked if they are worried about the future of their industry. Despite all of the benefits of machine translation (MT), this burgeoning technology is still far from perfect. MT only works for certain language pairs that have sufficient data, […]

A Few Guidelines To Consider Before Hiring An Seo Guru Or Expert

As already known, SEO is an acronym for “Search Engine Optimization” or “Search Engine Optimizer” which is nothing but the process of improving the visibility of a website or webpage in search engines via the “natural” or “unpaid” search results. The basic idea behind this concept is that your web page should appear frequently or […]

Dominating Google, Getting To The Top

Although there is risk of a search engine violation, it is possible to get multiple web pages to the top position on Google for a given search term. In earlier articles I used the search term “Expired Listing Leads” and the multiple entries on the top page of Google that are directed to my sites promoting the savings on the RedX expired listing lead service through FreeTrainer.Com.

Google Place Page for a small business

If you are a small business owner you have to keep a lot of information on the web, which is not always an easy job. Unless you know about the Google Places, it’s difficult to move anywhere on the web. Google has made a new feature for small business owners when it came out with […]