Free and Open Source PHP Shopping Cart software

There are numerous options available when it comes to choosing right e-commerce software for creating my online shop.There are actually hundreds of famous PHP e-commerce solution available out there

How to choose the right PHP shopping cart software? And Which one is best?

Free and Open Source PHP shopping Cart software listed on the site .

1.oscommerce, which is an award winning e-commerce shopping cart solution which has more than 20000 community members. we can free download and creat your shop online without paying a single penny to the developer of oscommerce.
2. magento, which is the second big guy in ecommerce solution. it realsee under GPL,download free anywhere. The biggest problem with magento is that it’s heavy software and needs a large amount of resources to work efficiently.
3. zen cart, which putting the dream of online business owenership within reach of anyon! It features is Zen cart is template engine, which makes it easy to creat custom themes for your online shop .
4. Prestashop, which is a free and opensource software for your online store. The best thing in PrestaShop is its light weight and fast speed. It is really awesome, simple and easy to use. Prestashop is suitable for a beginner.
5. Eclime is a powerful e-commerce shopping cart based on Smarty with the trusted osCommerce 2.2 engine. Eclime should be the best project to run a successful internet store because it contains all features that a great internet store needed.
6.OpenCart is an open source PHP-based online shopping cart system. A robust e-commerce solution for Internet merchants with the ability to create their own online business and participate in e-commerce at a minimal cost.
7. eCart is a powerful open source PHP Shopping Cart project with two innovative features: Social Shopping and Categories Filters Creation. Social Shopping is a hybrid of traditional shopping and e-commerce, because customers shop in a social networking environment benefiting from other customer reviews.

Do you use the above E-commerce  solution  for your online store? Or you have  anther solution to build your online store.

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