Use Quiet Title to Nullify a Predatory Loan

You have probably heard lots of stories about wrongful foreclosures happening all across the country.  The extent of mortgage fraud committed by predatory lenders such as Bank of America, GMAC, US Bank, Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chase is so widespread we still haven’t figured out the total damage it is causing, and how many homeowners are at risk of being illegally foreclosed on.  What we do know is that number may be higher than anyone could have expected.

One of the terms that keeps coming up when discussing these predatory foreclosures is something called “quiet title” or “quiet title action.”  More and more quiet title is being used to help people stop the wrongful foreclosure of their homes.  A quiet title action is a lawsuit that is used to “quiet” if you will any claims on your home that a predatory lender such as JP Morgan Chase or Bank of America may claim to have.  If successful, a quiet title will not only stop the wrongful foreclosure of your home and nullify a predatory loan, but it can also give you the title to your property free and clear.

Quiet title is becoming increasingly popular because it is a tremendous, empowering tool for homeowners to use in order to fight back against the banks.  If you have had any mortgage dealings with Bank of America, GMAC, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, US Bank, or other lenders who have been exposed as predatory lenders, you should give a lot of serious thought to pursuing a quiet title action against them.

If you do pursue a quiet title action, you will have to provide proof that your lender has been guilty of wrongdoing.  In order to do that, a securitization audit can be a very useful source of evidence. A securitization audit is designed to examine your mortgage documents to find if there has been any wrongdoing and if your mortgage was properly securitized.  A securitization audit will illustrate how your lender has engaged in questionable or illegal practices when dealing with your home loan.  This can be all the evidence you need to show that the banks have been continuing their predatory practices.

Having the supporting evidence of a securitization audit when you bring a quiet title lawsuit to the courts will greatly strengthen your case and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that your bank is guilty of wrongful foreclosure practices.  With a securitization audit and a quiet title action, you can get the help you need to stop the wrongful and illegal foreclosure of your home.

This is why if you need foreclosure help, you should contact a reputable audit company such as Tila Solutions to give you the foreclosure help you need.  For over a decade, Tila Solutions has been looking out for the homeowner with their forensic loan audits and securitization audits.  If you need help stopping foreclosure, a Tila Solutions Consultant is available by telephone at (702) 508-0335.  Or you can visit the Tila Solutions website at quiet title.

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