Man is not the normal 6 “sexual habits”

Unusual: the sexual habits of some men like sex in the dark, like for sleep-like, or wear thick real sexual to come to this fish and water? In all sorts of tricks behind, you know that hidden deep desire and psychological incentives? To allow us to unlock this mystery, and interpretation of the men of the Kama Sutra!

Dressed to have sex
You naked, he dressed. What he means is: Are you contributing to the body, I was very stingy. His aggressive attitude almost sadistic. He was not afraid of a woman, but have strong cravings for them, we should remove their humanity, and changed her into a sex tool.

2 dangerous places to be pleasure
Even if he does not stick to the corner or booth sex, but he likes adventures, and derive fun. Insurance for pleasure, like with the rules and legal challenges. In his life, his father is the embodiment. His efforts to find a can I think of his environment, and challenges his father had given him the control. The lack of fatherly man who is hard to find these reactions to sexual behavior.

To conceal the uneasy exchange place
Conversion places may facilitate the sexual pleasure of both parties, but if your sexual partner from the bathtub hold to the terrace and then go to the living room, and then return to the bedroom, which shows that his heart is in fact very disturbing. He was afraid to not do your request, even more afraid of true. He was worried that you think he was extremely brave, but he actually fabled.

Everything by his own initiative
The message is clear. He afraid of every woman to take the initiative, which makes him feel useless. He only likes, can only accept his host sex. If strong his hard, he will not succumb.

5, love to find a strange sexual stimulation
Many men need a strong stimulus to ignite sexual desire, such as three . The woman will feel a loss, consciously can not meet him. He may even ask their women to sex with another man, his act as a bystander to get sexual satisfaction. These acts of sexual perversion, no longer exists between men and women love.
The conventional wisdom is that interest in sexual activity decreased with age, until the last loss. Tired of middle age will sexual life, the elderly should be to eradicate sexual desire, there are a lot of people to sexual activity between older men and women as indecent, but in reality it is not.

6, masturbation habits
Men masturbating in front of a woman in front of the woman would think, might he could not meet his needs, so he was masturbating. She would feel guilty, the woman that the men of these habits are very private and will not let her know. To the couple get along, the woman allowed the existence of these habits, said woman tolerance.
Away from the “numb” is a very simple thing, through a number of interesting ways to make each other better “sex induced dynamic. Exposure to sex, you should enjoy to enjoy, to revel in this world cause for rejoicing. And your lover to enjoy it slowly.

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