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Author Nick: Herry

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Multi source heat pump air conditioning system

Air conditioning system utilizing low temperature heating sources of the environment, so as to maximize the heat coefficient of performance (COPH) by conserving subterranean heat, atmospheric heat, solar heat and auxiliary heat sources in combination with a reversible-cycle water source heat pump, by absorption of heat energy into a liquid (water) and by applying said […]

What is a Cable Tie?

Cable ties, available in different colours and textures is a sort of a snap that is used for the purpose of fastening several assortments of cable or wires together. It has both commercial and military uses. Moreover, it has many colloquial terms such as, ‘rat belt’, ‘quick draw’, ‘mouse belt’, ‘tie wrap’. Cable ties have […]

Hydraulic mechanical gearbox

The invention relates, on the one hand, to a hydro mechanical gearbox with a hydraulic pump, a hydraulic motor and a set of planetary gears, whereby the pressure line of the hydraulic pump is conducted back, via the inserted hydraulic motor, to the suction line of the hydraulic pump, thereby forming a circuit, and whereby […]

Room air freshener

Room air freshener adapted to be used in connection with a register vent. The structure of the freshener is especially formed to be attached to the vent register and includes a formed handle adapted to keep the freshener material adjacent to the grid of the register vent. A certain range in the amount of mass […]

Earth friendly air freshener tips

I was an air freshener abuser – big time. My cleaning cupboard had more air freshener varieties than you can poke a stick at. But in fooling my nose, I was also poisoning myself and the wider environment. There are certainly greener ways to keep nasty smells at bay. The majority of air fresheners you […]