More About the Author "JohnL"

Author Nick: JohnL
Name: John Lopez
About the Author: I'm John interested in writing technical, business, software related articles.

Articles by JohnL :

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Rallying Efforts to Deliver Decisive Lead Generation Results

Marketing has become more complex than ever before. Conventional forms of marketing, such as advertisements in print, radio, or TV, do not have any relevance in the online world. Here, you need a completely different approach that will help you identify your prospective leads and build a profitable relationship without increasing your costs. Your channel […]

Remote Desktop Access: Androids and iPads for the Mobile Workforce

A globalized business environment is made up of multinational organizations with offices and clientele spread across nations, and a workforce operating out from these distant locations. The aggressive competitive environment has paved way for teams working together across multiple time zones. Remote working thus has become a vital factor in the drive for corporate success […]

Advanced ALM Solutions Offerings

Defining Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) is not very easy. Different people and organizations have their own take and perspectives on the same. Still, ALM is a crucial topic in today’s corporate world. Sometimes people confuse ALM with Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). ALM is way different from SDLC. An application’s lifecycle comprises of the total time […]

Enterprise Risk Management: Protecting Sales Channel from Grey Market Activities

Globalization has provided organizations with a wider exposure and a broader supply chain. Technological innovations have further added on to its ability to link to various trading partners and customers with unlimited penetration points. Though this has given the global enterprise a larger customer base, it has also left open limitless opportunities for counterfeits and […]

Prevalence of Dedicated Servers in India

When it comes to hosting services, dedicated servers with their efficient performance have been beneficial for online commerce entrepreneurs. Dedicated servers make it possible for an individual or an enterprise to select a hosting service where they will be able to lease the entire web server and it won’t be shared with anyone else. In […]