More About the Author "amber87"

Author Nick: amber87
Name: Amber Dutch
About the Author: i Am amber

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Wedding Photographer New York City

Weddings are overwhelming for not only, the bride and groom but for the entire family, too. These days, there are many different types of wedding that are planned. Depending on the theme of the wedding or the style, you would also want the wedding photographs to match the same style. For this, the wedding photographer […]

Best Wedding Photographers

Wedding is the most sacred unison of two people. However, the entire event involves a lot of other people, too. The families of the bride and groom are equally excited, about all the preparations related to the wedding, as well as the main day. Everyone involved wants to make the day perfect for the bride […]

Destination Wedding Photographer

If you think deep, each one of us is a photographer. Everyone can manage clicking pictures, when a camera is given to them. The only difference between a regular and professional photographer is their ability to capture every detail and have the perfect finesse. A professional photographer understands that the camera is capable of doing […]