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Author Nick: articlelink01
Name: Vikram kumar
About the Author: Vikram kumar is good author

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Things to consider when buying a new bong or water glass pipe!

Smoking a pot or a bong (water glass pipe) can be an exciting experience especially if you are a newbie. Be prepared for the fact that the first shot may not make you high. You will get better eventually though. Are you planning to buy a new glass water pipe? There are some to remember […]

Love raw cones? Here is a guide on how you should choose rolling papers

Rolling a joint can be quite a task. While there are electric rolling machines available to make it quicker and easier for the lazy ones out there, you should know that buying the right rolling papers are a mandate. There is a pool of unhealthy rolling papers contaminated with chemicals that are available in the […]

Stoner essentials: Seven smoking accessories that are must!

A lazy stoner, are you? Well, the marijuana industry has come up with a range of new accessories that will make your smoking up’ experience reach an all-new high and that too quickly and easily! Does it sound interesting to you? Check out this space to know more! If you want to buy in bulk, […]

Optimize your business with hosted CRM integration and cloud 365 solutions

Nowadays the main backbone that binds a company to its customers is Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Mainly it is a strategic set which defines the ways in which a company should interact and maintain relationship with its existing customers or future potential customers. The driver behind CRM is the profitability quotient of a company. CRM […]

Guidelines to essential supplies for a successful marijuana dispensary

If you are planning on starting your own dispensary or already own one, there are a number of supplies you will need to ensure that your business runs smoothly and is the most efficient option possible. While the quality of your stash determines the success of your dispensary, without the supplies you need to support […]