More About the Author "bhratBbrij"

Author Nick: bhratBbrij
Name: bhrat brij
About the Author: Bhrat Brij is writing about various topics from last two years.

Articles by bhratBbrij :

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Vacation concerns with AU Pairs

Au Pairs are human too and they need off too from their daily life like all of us expect. Thus, it is important to understand their needs and requirements. Thus, if your Au pair is willing to go on a vacation let him or her go but ensure that the dates are mutually agreed upon […]

Weekend concerns of Au Pairs

Many of my recent conversations with families interested in the Au Paire Care program have included a common question – what will happen on the weekends, or in the evening? Will our au pair spend all her time with us? Or will she be out with her friends all the time? This is an understandable […]

Researching companies for Hong Kong marketing jobs

One of the most common mistakes in an interview is to carry out insufficient research on those you are meeting with and this is especially true when you are looking for Hong Kong marketing jobs. Your lack of research can lead you to lose your dream Hong Kong marketing job within no time though you […]

Robert Walters CV advice for marketing jobs in Hong Kong

Your CV is a tool with one purpose: to gain an interview. It should present you in the best possible light and convince a prospective employer that you have what it takes to be successful in this specific position or career. You don’t have much time to impress with your CV – research shows that […]

Answering interview questions related to marketing jobs in Hong Kong

Preparing confident answers to common interview questions when applying for marketing jobs in Hong Kong will give you the edge. Although there is no set format that every job interview you face when applying for marketing jobs in Hong Kong will follow, there are some questions that you can almost guarantee will be asked. Here’s […]