More About the Author "cluonline"

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Name: Mark Virkler
About the Author: Mark Virkler is with Christian Leadership University. CLU is a Christian University and Online Bible College offering Christian education including Christian counseling and Christian theology seminaries and offers certificates, undergrad, Masters, and Doctorates in the various Christian colleges of CLU.

Articles by cluonline :

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Forgiveness Is a Choice

Have you ever heard someone say, “I just can’t forgive them.”? The truth is that you can forgive. Forgiveness is a choice. If you are holding onto a grudge that you just can’t seem to let go, I want to encourage you to take moment to read through this article, especially the Bible verses below […]

The 12 Principles of Non-Traditional Christian Education

Education within the United States has been focused primarily on left-brained studies. Reason and memorization have been emphasized far above creativity and innovation. In higher education, classes are taught based on a curriculum instead of allowing the teaching to be based on the needs of each student. And rewards, such as grades, credits and degrees, […]

The 5 Unacceptable Religious Choices

Throughout history, mankind has sought to know God. The vast majority of people believe God exists. Where we differ is who/what we believe God is and the method we believe will allow us to know God. Though the number of religious and sects is great, they can really be boiled down to five religious choices. […]

How Einstein Received the Theory of Relativity

Einstein was one of the most creative geniuses of the past century. He said, “I want to know God’s thoughts, the rest are details.” And know God’s thoughts he did. The theory of relativity, E = MC2, gave birth to quantum physics and altered forever how scientists look at energy and matter and time and […]