More About the Author "crosbylame"

Author Nick: crosbylame
Name: crosby lame
About the Author: Software Consluting

Articles by crosbylame :

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Important Characteristics of developing Psychic Ability

Developing Psychic abilities is a specialized skill but can be easily learned and acquired through strong learning desire and perseverance. Being a Psychic would open the windows of a whole new world to you, something which you have never seen or experienced. Things around you would change for better as you will develop skills to […]

Become a physic and open your door to miracles

What are miracles? Let us begin by asking this simple question. Many people interpret miracles in many distinct and unique ways. Most common interpretation of miracles defines it as an act which is resulted through a divine intervention. Reading between the lines of this definition would highlight the things or actions which our normal reasoning […]

Why Spend the Money on Designer Jewelry

Ask yourself, why should I spend the money on just another piece of jewelry. It is easy to walk into to any store in the mall and pick up a pair of $5.00 earrings. However; in 5, 10 or 30 years down the road, how many of us will still have those fake earrings? Or […]

What Makes Couture Jewelry so Special?

Most people have heard about couture jewelry. Those who know how it is different from your typical bargain rack jewelry imagine models and runway shows – this is not the be-all end-all of couture, though. This beautiful, high quality jewelry is just as at home on your neckline or wrist as it is on a […]

What makes quartz bracelets so beautiful?

Quartz is a versatile gemstone, one of the most admired gems on earth. Throughout history, quartz has been the general chameleon of gemstones, standing in for more expensive gemstones from jade to diamonds. Quartz is a competitor to more pricey gemstones because it is difficult to distinguish from gems that cost a lot more. The […]