More About the Author "eberones"

Author Nick: eberones
Name: Edgardo Berones
About the Author: Started career as a CSR for Offshoring Companies. Eventually shifted gear to Search Engine Optimization.Also does freelance article writing on the side. Dabbles with his blog and plays erratic guitar in his spare time. Photography is his current obsession but considers himself a film buff more than anything else.

Articles by eberones :

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Some Benefits of a Car Donation

Do you want to get rid of your old car that’s been gathering dust in your garage? There is a better way to do just that, that can make you help others while giving some bit of a profit for you in return. And that is by donating it to a charity. Think about it, […]

Donate A Car And Support Breast Cancer Prevention

There are a lot of great causes out there that are worthy of your donation. Even without taking any money from one’s pocket, you too can support a good charity that helps and supports such worthy causes . One good option is by donating an old  or spare car to charity. It is very easy […]

Great Tips When Donating a Car To Charity

Ever consider donating your old or unused car to a charity? Donating a car to charity can really mean a lot to help less fortunate people especially in this tough times of economic recession. It is fairly easy to donate a car. Most charity would just pick your car as soon as you give them […]

The Significance of Making a Car Donation

Have you ever made an car donation before? If you haven’t yet, this article is a must read for you. You might be seeing auto donation advertisements that encourage people to donate their automobiles. I encourage you to do so. There are a lot of reasons why you should make an car donation. A vehicle […]

Your Auto Donation Can Help the Homeless People

Nowadays, the US economy is currently at a slump. The Bureau of Labor Statistics last month reported  a growing percentage of people unemployed. Yes there was a slight drop in the U.S. jobless rate down to 9.1 percent  recently, but it came a day after a huge dip in the stock market. America has been […]