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Articles by jackleen :

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Changes in the Mobile Application Development Market

The past few decades have witnessed tremendous growth and expansion in the field of mobile application development. Organizations and its employees is becoming more and more dependent on their mobile devices to save time as well as multitask. With mobility penetrating in all departments of an enterprise, application development for business is going to grow […]

A Quick Glance at Australia’s Business Name Registration Process

Australia will soon be launching the National Business Names Register which will enable companies to use a single form to register a business name across all Australian states and territories. In accordance with the Business Names Registration Act 2011 (Cth), from May 28, 2012, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) will maintain a new […]

Mobile Application Development, Turning Dreams into Reality

The mobile industry is growing exponentially due to the great demand for next-generation technology. As per a recent research conducted by the GSM Association (GSMA), the global mobile industry would grow from its current $1.5 trillion level to $1.9 trillion by 2015. The GSMA Director General Anne Bouverot said in a statement “Clearly, the mobile […]

A Brief on the New Tax Measures In Canada

The Canadian Finance Minister announced details of the new tax measures which include an expanded list of medical devices and prescription drugs that are free from Goods and Services Tax/ Harmonized Sales Tax. The Economic Action Plan 2012 also details penalties for falsified registration of charitable tax shelters as well as authorizes the Canada Revenue […]

How Agile Lifecycle Management Can Help Your Organization

There are a number of companies specializing in product lifecycle management rely on agile lifecycle management solutions to respond efficiently to the ever revolving requirements. There are situations in an organization  where there isn’t sufficient time to deliver a product, mostly when the customers’ requirements go through a change and the enterprise is not in […]