More About the Author "jasonw93"

Author Nick: jasonw93
Name: Jason White
About the Author: My self Jason White, A professional Writer

Articles by jasonw93 :

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Community Colleges Offer Distinct Benefits

Community colleges offer an approach to post-secondary education that is quite different from that of a university education. Some of the biggest differences include lower tuition, smaller class sizes, a focus on practical application of theory and shorter study periods. Each of the community colleges in Ontario has its specialty and own reputation. Here is […]

College Courses By The Type

While there are many benefits to attending college courses rather than taking the university route, some of the most often mentioned include small class sizes, a balance between theory and practice of that theory and the opportunity to test out knowledge prior to graduation through an experience in the field. At Centennial College, students — […]

Pre health Programs Prepare Future Nurses and Pharmacy Technicians

The purpose of this article is to show the possible career paths and benefits of the Pre-Health program at Centennial College. Youth unemployment remains high and the mismatch of job seekers and positions ensues. Even with the growth of the aging baby boomer population, job creation feels stagnant as some boomers continue to work past […]

Centennial College offers a wide range of College Programs

Centennial College offers college courses that are catered to suit the different needs of its student population. Are you a mature student looking to fast track your education? Centennial College has college courses to help you do so. Are you unsure whether college is even for you? Centennial College’s prep college courses are for that […]

Biotechnology College Program Benefits Future Bench Technicians

In areas of manufacturing – whether food, pharmaceuticals or cosmetics – a biotechnology technician (also known as a bench technician) plays a critical role. This person is in charge of assuring quality control, which is vital before the products go out for human use or consumption. Among the knowledge that a biotechnology technician must have […]