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Author Nick: jassmith85

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Fishing Like a Rockstar Aboard a Luxury Fishing Yacht

Longing for an ultra-luxurious day of fishing on the water, but don’t have a few million bucks to buy a Viking? You’re in luck, Fort Lauderdale Fishing Charters is now offering fishing trips on a 65 foot Viking luxury sport fishing yacht.   “We are getting more and more requests for these types of boats,” […]

How does payday loan get cash work?

Financial difficulties can rise anytime and give you a huge blow and this can happen long before you get the time to realize that you are neck deep in trouble. Money is something that we all require to sustain ourselves but often our income falls short of our expenditure which makes things really tough. You […]

Fort Lauderdale Fishing Charters Captains Catches Large Swordfish

Fort Lauderdale Fishing Charters is proud to announce that Captain Mike Johnson has caught a 325 pound swordfish while on a deep sea fishing charter in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. While still shy of the world record, this giant swordfish was a full 136 inches long and measured 84 inches from the lower jaw to the […]

Free Web Conferencing Makes Working At Home Possible

You must have heard about web conferencing and how it is being used by several people today in order to make their business a lot more profitable. But if you have not considered using it for your benefits then you should start doing so. This is because web conferencing is not just for big companies; […]

Things to Do in Fort Lauderdale

If you’re looking for what do in Fort Lauderdale or Things to Do in Fort Lauderdale here’s a unique suggestion: Fishing!   Fort Lauderdale offers the worlds best fishing. From freshwater fishing in lakes, rivers, and the everglades, to saltwater fishing, there’s truly nowhere else on earth like it.   Today we’re going to talk […]