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Author Nick: jimwright
Name: jim wright
About the Author: I am just author of...

Articles by jimwright :

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Live your retired life in luxury with home equity release

If you have retired and are facing a financial crunch, what do you do? You probably try to face it with the help of your savings and pension. But what if your pension amount is meager or you do not receive any pension at all and your saving is not much either? You are left […]

Why you need to compare Equity Release Scheme before Opting for One

Financial plans are available in different forms offering an assorted range of benefits to consumers. These days retirement investment plans have been creating a buzz in the financial sphere. Regardless of your age, investment plans have always lured eyes of the good finance planner. With the recent economic meltdown hitting the global economy at large, […]

Can Equity Release Plans help Retirees Enjoy a Pleasurable Retired Life

Do you have a property of your own? Despite, are you still looking for additional income to lead your entire retired life with pleasure? Well, you have the biggest asset of your life which is your property and this in fact can fetch you steady income for lifetime. So, you must be wondering how this […]

Live the Dreams after Retirement with Equity Release on Property

Several individuals may be already retired or at the verge of their retirement. They might have planned their post retired life. Maximum of them may have thoughts of pursuing their dreams that they have till now kept in wrap all the way through their years of service. Retirement times are the most excellent times to […]

Why is it important to be knowledgeable about the equity release guide?

Due to the severe inflation all over the world, it is becoming rather difficult to live a decent lifestyle at the present times. There is a steep increase in the regular prices of the necessary commodities and services and thus it is becoming very difficult to survive on the meagre pension amount for the senior […]