More About the Author "jumpingspidermedia"

Author Nick: jumpingspidermedia
Name: Margie Smith
About the Author: My name is Margie

Articles by jumpingspidermedia :

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Your Guide to Suspension Files

For as long as crystal files or susension files have exisited, so has the confusion about the difference between A4 and Foolscap suspension files. Is A4 bigger than foolscap or is it foolscap suspension files that you require. So let the confusion be over. First of all, Foolscap suspension files are bigger than A4 suspension […]

Your Home Office – Is it up to Scratch?

Your Home Office – Is it up to Scratch? Not surprisingly it is becoming more and more popular to get inquiries for home office desks in Ireland. A new generation of Irish entrepreneurs are being born every day as thousands of unemployed workers decide to venture into the world of self employment. The home office […]

FTP Hosting Server Reseller Accounts

We work with many clients directly to provide FTP Hosting solutions, however we are always interested in working with companies who have their own clients with FTP Hosting and Online Storage requirements. Maybe you are an IT company providing technical support to customers, a graphic design company working with clients who have large storage requirements, […]

Client Services from the London Carbon Credit Company

The world of green investments is growing ever larger by the day, as investors look to the massive profit potential of these environmental and ethical investments. When it comes to choosing a carbon broker, investors have an increasing choice as more investment brokers enter into this emerging market. London Carbon Credit Company ( is a […]

More people are buying seeds online than ever before

There was a time when garden centres or high street shops were the only places where you could buy seeds, but the advent of the internet has changed all that. Now, more people are buying seeds online than ever before, Seeds By Post ( can happily report, and we think we know why. In a […]