More About the Author "kirti_saxena"

Author Nick: kirti_saxena
Name: kirti saxena
About the Author: I write articles

Articles by kirti_saxena :

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How Important Is A Cycle Helmet

Irrespective of the gender, bicycles are very popular among kids. Every child wishes to own a bicycle and it is also common for them to have a fall or two and get hurt. Though these are a part and parcel of riding a bicycle, it is necessary to be careful as such injuries can be […]

Features Of Single Speed Bikes

A single speed bike is a bicycle with a constant gear ratio, i.e., its gear ratio cannot be changed by using methods like hub gearing and derailleur gears. It is used mainly for commuting purposes. Cruiser type bicycles, BMX bicycles, unicycles, track racing bicycles, classic commuter bicycles, fixed gear mountain bicycles, and fixed gear road […]

Characteristics Of Specialty Bicycles

Specialty cycles are specially designed and engineered bicycles that typically cater to the needs of athletes, physically challenged people, or just adventurous riders who are on the lookout for advanced features in bicycles. The recumbent hand cycle is one of these specialty bicycles. It targets and strengthens the upper body. It is designed for athletes […]

Cable Lock – A Way To Stop Bicycle Theft

Many countries are encouraging the usage of bicycles inside the cities. There are some universities and organizations that have made the bicycle a mandatory mode of transportation inside their campus. Bicycle usage is being promoted as it reduces fuel consumption and emission of pollutants which causes pollution. Riding a bike is a boon to people […]

Bicycle Parts And Protective Gears

Increasing pollution and inadequate physical activities has made man realize many things; one of them is the need to stay healthy and fit. In an attempt to maintain good health, the usage of bicycles has increased in the recent years. It is an efficient means of transportation and also an ideal choice to maintain physical […]