More About the Author "makemylandingpages"

Author Nick: makemylandingpages
Name: Landing Pages
About the Author: Makemylandingpages Create outstanding landing page, landing page design, for your business, which will help you in quickly selling your products & services. We are a highly qualified & certified team of landing page designers. Email us at:

Articles by makemylandingpages :

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AIDA Theory for Landing Page

Whenever a consumer has to buy a product, he normally visits dozens of offline stores and simultaneously surfs tens of sites. Critical task for a manufacturer or service provider is to stand out of clutter and be on top of mind of client while he is on the final decision making stage. This entire process […]

Advantages and Disadvantages of various types of landing pages

Depending upon the requirement, a landing page can be designed in various ways. From being simple transactional page to one that just shares information, landing pages can have many motives. Each type of landing page has its own merits and its own limitations. However, good a landing page it has some short comings which need […]

Importance of Landing Page

In just one sentence, landing page converts traffic of your site into revenue of your business. Having a landing page has several benefits; few of them are listed below •Talking to client in his language A prospect that comes to your page by means of a PPC campaign or search engine comes from any specific […]

Landing Page Mistakes

Much of marketing efforts goes in getting people to your website. Many strategies, lots of budget and time are spent for getting correct prospect. These all effortscan get huge rewards if the pages where they are lead have ingredients to hold them. In most cases online visitors judge a company by look of its first […]

Usage of Landing Page

Every site has a homepage. One question most business advertisers face is why to create a separate landing page when they have a good website. Why not use home page as a landing page rather than creating a specific page. In current dynamic scenario when your brand or product is fighting a war in cyber […]